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Pirates, Pumpkins & .. ? | Hallows Eve@SASS

Pirates, Pumpkins & .. ? | Hallows Eve

Sa., 31. Okt. 2015 23:00 @ SASS , Wien - Innere Stadt

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What be ye doin' Saturday night,
We just have to ask?
How bout pirates, pumpkins 'n wearin' a mask...?
Eleven hours 'o sound,
that gunna turn ye head upsidedown!
no interruption in sight,
'tis gunna surely gift ye a fright!

gather if ye dare,
Ye in fer a scare.


DJs, crew and bartenders in pirate theme
Professional makeup corner
Pumpkin beer
Rum cocktails
Special prices

10€ Normal
5€ in any Costume
NO FEE_ If ye fuckin' scary

„Pirates, Pumpkins & (____)* ?“
Post this diskreet, n yer in fer a treat!

*be creative & win some shit

☠ Wiener Stadtpiraten ☠

Gregor Steiner
Hans Jung
Nick Jacobs
Rik Moser

First Mate Bday Bash
☠ Flo ☠

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